How to Look Physically Good


Dear xx,

The entire world is trying to sell you some new diet, a new workout gadget, supplements… Those items might work but it’s not practical. My tip for looking physically good? Exercise. That’s it.

It doesn’t matter how you get your exercise. Be it the gym or going to a fitness class, doing exercise is the only thing that will lead to you being physically attractive. What did your grumpy uncle do? He got an app and had it set up a weightlifting routine that was 3 times a week and just stuck with it. Rather than obsess over results, I didn’t think much about it. I just kept going to the gym without much expectation, and then one day, people started to comment on how I looked pretty good.

Once you exercise, the confidence boost it gives you automatically motivates you to eat better and take better care of your body/skin.

Grumpy Uncle Paul

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